AgaPure™ Agarose LE (Low EEO)

Cat# AG006

Size : 500g

Brand : Canvax Biotech

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AgaPure™ Agarose LE (Low EEO)

High quality Molecular Biology Grade Agaroses with proven Performance in most used applications

AgaPure™ Agarose LE (Standard Agarose) is a High Quality and Extremely Pure Agarose with very low interference binding to staining reagents which produces a low Background and high Contrast Appearance after staining.

It is a neutral polysaccharide which is obtained in many Purification steps from the cell wall of certain algae and red algae. Standard Agarose forms very clear gels with all standard Running Buffers and will result in a sharp and clear separation of your bio molecules.

SKU: AG005 Categories: DNA Electrophoresis, Agaroses Powder & Tablets

Detailed information:

  • Performance Enhanced: thanks to its high purity and reliability with reduced error rates.
  • Highest Quality: free of DNase, RNase, electrically neutral and Biologically inert.
  • High Performance: due its low absorption of staining agents.
  • Safe: due the abscence of toxicity.
  • Exceptional clarity: improves transparency and visualization, even at high concentrations.
  • Reliable and easy handling: thanks to its spectacular mechanical resistance.
  • Fast results: quick gel preparation by simple dilution.
  • Moisture: ≤ 7%
  • Ash: ≤ 0.4%
  • EEO*: 0.05 – 0.13
  • Sulfate: ≤ 0.1%
  • Clarity 1.5 % (NTU): ≤ 3
  • Gel Strength 1% (g/cm2): ≥ 1200
  • Gel Strength 1.5 % (g/cm2): ≥ 2500
  • Gelling Temperature 1.5 % (°C): 36 ± 1.5
  • Melting Temperature 1.5 % (°C): 88 ± 1.5
  • DNAse/ RNAse activity: None detected
  • DNA resolution ≥ 1000 bp: Finely resolved
  • Gel background: Very low

Includes for 500 g:
– 500 g AgaPure™ Agarose LE (Standard Agarose)

  • DNA/RNA separation > 1Kb.
  • Analytical and preparative electrophoresis.
  • Excellent for all blotting applications.
  • Excellent for DNA typing.
  • Exceptionally low background of staining agents.
  • Protein electrophoresis such as radial immunodiffusion.


  • Strict quality controls in every manufacturing step to guarantee the highest quality and reproducibility.
  • Free of DNA binders, inhibitors, DNases, and RNases.
  • Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
  • Storage: Room Temperature (20 – 24 °C). For long-term storage may also be done at 4–8 °C. Protect from moisture. Light Sensitive.
  • Ghadamnan, Elmira. Characterization of Tick-Associated Microbiota in Spain Using a Nanopore-based Metabarcoding Approach: Insights into Potential Zoonotic Pathogens. 2023.
  • Broncano Gutierrez, T. A. Identificación molecular y caracterización in silico de las proteínas desintegrinas del veneno de cuatro especies ofídicas de importancia clínica.
  • Gómez-Melero, S. (2022). Desarrollo de anticuerpos terapéuticos contra el receptor CCR6 humano.
  • Palikaras, K., SenGupta, T., Nilsen, H., & Tavernarakis, N. (2022). Assessment of dopaminergic neuron degeneration in a C. elegans model of Parkinson’s disease. STAR Protocols3(2), 101264.
  • Petiti, J., Itri, F., Signorino, E., Frolli, A., Fava, C., Armenio, M., … & Cilloni, D. (2022). Detection of SF3B1 p. Lys700Glu Mutation by PNA-PCR Clamping in Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Journal of Clinical Medicine11(5), 1267.
  • Kansak, N., Aksaray, S., Aslan, M., Adaleti, R., & Gönüllü, N. (2021). Detection of colistin resistance among multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates in TurkeyActa Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica.
  • Ahmed, R., Sharif, D., Jaf, M., & Amin, D. M. (2020). Effect of TNF-α− 308G/A (rs1800629) Promoter Polymorphism on the Serum Level of TNF-α Among Iraqi Patients with Generalized Vitiligo. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology13, 825-835.
  • Shi, Y., Zhang, Q., Xie, M., Feng, Y., Ma, S., Yi, C., … & Yang, H. Aberrant methylation‑mediated decrease of lncRNA HNF1A‑AS1 contributes to malignant progression of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma via EMT. Oncology Reports.
  • Musso, N., Costantino, A., La Spina, S., Finocchiaro, A., Andronico, F., Stracquadanio, S., … & Emmanuele, G. (2020). New SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Pet Cat with Severe Lung Disease in Italy.
  • Albuquerque, C. A. D. (2019). Detection and characterization of Dichelobacter nodosus from sheep with different clinical manifestations of Ovine Footrot (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Lazou, M., Tarushi, A., Gritzapis, P., & Psomas, G. (2020). Transition metal complexes with a novel guanine-based (E)-2-(2-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene) hydrazinyl) quinazolin-4 (3H)-one: Synthesis, characterization, interaction with DNA and albumins and antioxidant activity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 111019.

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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