
Providing Advanced Solutions to Your Molecular and Immunological Needs
Tetracore is a biotechnology research and development organization that develops highly innovative diagnostic reagents and assays for infectious diseases and biological warfare (BW) threat agents. The company focuses on antibody-based and nucleic acid-based detection reagents and technologies. Tetracore offers a broad range of highly-specific, rapid, antibody-based test kits and antibody reagents for the detection of BW infectious agents and toxins, including the first FDA cleared test kit for identification of B. anthracis from colonies. Tetracore also offers a product line of real-time, probe hydrolysis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test kits for sensitive and specific detection of animal pathogens. In addition, Tetracore contracts with the US Government for development of: real-time PCR diagnostic tests for BW agents, novel nucleic acid extraction procedures, and specialized nucleic acid products.



Products for research

Products for research