TruePure™ dNTP Mix, 2.5 mM each nt, Concentration: 10 mM

Katalog-Nummer N0031

Size : 5x1mL

Marke : Canvax Biotech

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TruePure™ dNTP Mix (2 mM each nt)

Highest Purity (>99%) & Stability for High-End PCR

TruePure™ dNTP Mix (2 mM each nt) offers a greater Purity than 99% and high stability for High-End PCR. The ready-to-use solution includes each dNTP (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) mixed at a final concentration of either 8 mM total. It has proven performance in all common Molecular Biology applications.

1 mL
SKU: N0030-S Category: Nucleotides

Detailed information:

  • Highest purity: greater than 99% of each component confirmed by HPLC.
  • High Quality: free of DNAse, protease, phosphatase, nuclease, human or E. coli DNA contamination.
  • Time-saving: ready-to-use format that eliminates experiment preparation time.
  • Highly stable.
  • Proven performance for PCR.

– 1 mL TruePure™ dNTP Mix (2 mM each nt)


For use in all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:

  • PCR.
  • Real-time PCR.
  • High fidelity and long PCR.
  • RT-PCR.
  • cDNA synthesis.
  • DNA sequencing.
  • DNA amplification.

TruePure™ dNTPs Certification:

  • Exempt of DNAse, Protease, Phosphatase, Nicking, Nuclease, Human or E. coli DNA activities guaranteed by appropriate Quality tests.
  • Not contamination with bacterial and human DNA.
  • Shipped in: Gel Pack.
  • Storage: 20 °C. For short term (up to one week), exposure to Ambient Temperature is possible.
  • Perez-Bou, L., Gonzalez-Martinez, A., Cabrera, J. J., Rodelas, B., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., & Correa-Galeote, D. (2023). Design and validation of primer sets for the detection and quantification of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples by quantitative PCR.
  • Gómez-Melero, S. (2022). Desarrollo de anticuerpos terapéuticos contra el receptor CCR6 humano.
  • Hristova, P. M., Nankov, V. M., Stoikov, I., Ivanov, I., Ouzounova-Raykova, V. V., & Hitkova, H. Y. (2022). Prevalence of Genes Encoding Resistance to Aminoglycosides and Virulence Factors Among Intestinal Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology15(9).
  • Correa-Galeote, David, et al. “Revealing the dissimilar structure of microbial communities in different WWTPs that treat fish-canning wastewater with different NaCl content.” Journal of Water Process Engineering 44 (2021): 102328.
  • Robledo Mahón, T. (2018). Estudio de los procesos biológicos y de la estructura de las comunidades microbianas en el proceso de compostaje de lodos de depuradora de aguas residuales urbanas, en sistemas de membranas semipermea.
  • Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Margareto, A., Robledo-Mahon, T., Aranda, E., Diaz-Cruz, S., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., … & Gonzalez-Martinez, A. (2017). Performance and bacterial community structure of a granular autotrophic nitrogen removal bioreactor amended with high antibiotic concentrations. Chemical Engineering Journal325, 257-269.
  • Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Margareto, A., Robledo-Mahon, T., Aranda, E., Diaz-Cruz, S., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., … & Gonzalez-Martinez, A. (2017). Performance and bacterial community structure of a granular autotrophic nitrogen removal bioreactor amended with high antibiotic concentrations. Chemical Engineering Journal.
  • Tejera, B. I., Rubio, M. A., Martínez-Moreno, J., Malia, M. R., Arizón, J. M., & García, A. S. (2009). Análisis farmacogenético de la cinética de absorción de ciclosporina en una población española de pacientes trasplantados cardíacos. Farmacia Hospitalaria33(6), 324-329.
  • Anter, J., Demyda-Peyras, S., de la Torre, D., del Pilar, M., Campos-Sanchez, J., Luque de Castro, M. D., … & Alonso-Moraga, Á. (2015). Biological and health-promoting activity of vinification byproducts produced in Spanish vineyards. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture36(1), 126-133.

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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