Human JNK3 (MAPK10) activation kit by CRISPRa

CAT#: GA103792

MAPK10 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human mitogen-activated protein kinase 10

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Product Data
Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)
Symbol MAPK10
Locus ID 5602
Kit Components

GA103792G1, JNK3 gRNA vector 1 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA103792G2, JNK3 gRNA vector 2 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA103792G3, JNK3 gRNA vector 3 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

1 CRISPRa-Enhancer vector, SKU GE100056

1 CRISPRa scramble vector, SKU GE100077

Disclaimer These products are manufactured and supplied by OriGene under license from ERS. The kit is designed based on the best knowledge of CRISPRa SAM technology. The efficiency of the activation can be affected by many factors, including nucleosome occupancy status, chromatin structure and the gene expression level of the target, etc.
Reference Data
RefSeq NM_001318067, NM_001318068, NM_001318069, NM_002753, NM_138980, NM_138981, NM_138982, NM_001351624, NM_001351625, NM_001363657
UniProt ID P53779
Synonyms JNK3; JNK3A; p54bSAPK; p493F12; PRKM10; SAPK1b
Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the MAP kinase family. MAP kinases act as integration points for multiple biochemical signals, and thus are involved in a wide variety of cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation, transcription regulation and development. This kinase is specifically expressed in a subset of neurons in the nervous system, and is activated by threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation. Targeted deletion of this gene in mice suggests that it may have a role in stress-induced neuronal apoptosis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described for this gene. A recent study provided evidence for translational readthrough in this gene, and expression of an additional C-terminally extended isoform via the use of an alternative in-frame translation termination codon. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2017]


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